Captain André LeGoubin MNM MA FNI


Captain André LeGoubin MNM MA FNI is a current Class I Unlimited Master Mariner serving as a mooring master in the lightering trade, undertaking ship-to-ship transfer of oil offshore in the US, Uruguay and Brazil. He is skilled in ship handling and maneuvering large vessels with a particular focus on interaction.

Prior to becoming a mooring master, André was a marine consultant specializing in ship handling, casualty attendance, salvage and marine accident investigation. He conducted numerous investigations, often involving pilots, including unsafe port, grounding, collision, allision, surge damage, heavy weather damage and sinking.

With more than 40 years in all facets of the maritime industry, André created DNA Marine to provide straightforward, reliable expert witness consulting services. DNA Marine has experience providing written and verbal advice at all levels including live testimony in US Federal Courts.